Alldigital Marketing Resources

Archive by category: Marketing BasicsReturn
A series of three high impact 15 minute webinars covering the Basics, Tactics and Future of Marketing Automation
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The natural assumption is that business should cut back their marketing spend in a recession. The attached guide, based on an article by Karen Pomazal explains how businesses can better stand out, grow market share and reduce cost of acquisition during a recession and accelerate their growth out of a recession, long before your competitors realises the recession is over.
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When in "growth" mode, for which marketing automation is essential, we need to keep a check on our content creation and make sure out content remains king. Here are some tips to help with your content planning.
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User segmentation is the foundation for personalised communication. Segmenting your audience can help you add relevance to your emails, landing pages, paid ads, or other marketing campaigns. Every segment has distinguishing characteristics, needs, and interests that your Marketing Automation platform can utilise to enhance your customer journey, productivity and conversions.
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Effective Marketing Automation campaigns need to start with an understanding of the buyer to ensure they get the best possible experience from your business. Using customer insights, generated from automated campaigns, gain deeper knowledge of how your customers think and feel about your products and services, boost their confidence in your company, enhance sales, drive customer loyalty and stand out from the competition.
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Knowing that a user abandoned their cart is really helpful information. Why did they abandon it? Was the product too expensive? Did they run out of time on their lunch break? Did they see something else they preferred? Personalize the experience for them. If the products in their basket have a high value, you could send them an email with a 10% off code or suggest similar, more affordable options at the top of the page next time they visit. It’s personalized, but it’s not intrusive. It’s givi...
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